5 Helpful Tips for Guitar Beginners

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Learning a new instrument can be a daunting and scary task. You might've once thought that playing guitar would be easy. Tons of people can do it, so picking up a guitar and playing might've sounded simple at first, but it turns out that playing isn't as easy as it looks! If you follow the five tips we've included in this article, you'll be picking up your guitar and playing songs in no time.

Tip #1 – Don't Be Afraid

The first tip we can offer to any guitar beginner is to not be afraid. By saying this, we mean that you shouldn't be afraid of messing up at first. Everybody starts somewhere. You might look around and see other people who progressed faster than you did, or who were able to pick the instrument up easily, but if you stick with it, and learn from mistakes, you'll get better and better as you play more.

Tip #2 – Pick How You Want to Start

There are two different ways to start learning guitar. By learning basic, easy songs at first, or by learning scales, music theory, and technique. Both methods have their downsides and upsides, and in the end it just comes down to personal preference. If you typically give up easily, we'd suggest trying easy songs at first. It's nice to be able to play for others and have actual songs you can play instead of demonstrating a perfect G scale.

Tip #3 – Seek Help

It's completely alright to ask for help! Millions of people all around the world play guitar, and there's no reason you should be afraid to ask for help. There's a good chance you know tons of local musicians who'd be more than happy to help you out. All you have to do is ask. Once, they were in your shoes, and many musicians realize that.

Tip #4 – Play for Others

Once you learn a song that you're fond of, play for other people! Even if you're not wonderful, you will be some day. People you play for will separate into two categories: those who aren't musically talented and will think that your playing is wonderful, and those who are musically talented and will be willing to help you get better.

Tip #5 – Stick With it!

It can be easy to give up at times. Just like with anything else, make sure you stick with guitar to get real results. Typically, they won't come the very first time you sit down to play. They'll come with hard practice. As long as you stay motivated, and follow some of the tips listed above, you'll be an amazing guitarist in no time!

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